The Law of Attraction Science Simplified

The Law of Attraction is the powerful universal law that states we attract whatever we give our attention to – whether that is wanted or unwanted. Our thoughts, emotions and feelings all emit ‘vibrations’ out into the Universe that draw to us more of what we’re thinking about, be that people, experiences or things. That which we are; we attract. Law of Attraction Science Simplified

The science behind the Law of Attraction can be tricky to comprehend because it involves quantum physics, the principles of which can be mind boggling even to the scientists studying the subject! In simple terms, quantum physics is the study of nature at the smallest scales of energy levels, of atoms and subatomic particles.

My intention is to convey a short and simple scientific explanation for terms like ‘vibrational being’ and the concept of connectedness to help non-scientists like me understand how the Law of Attraction works. You will notice regular interludes from scientific fact into the world of opinion, which I hope will also help.

“We are all vibrational beings. You’re like a receiving mechanism that when you set your tuner to the station, you’re going to hear what’s playing. Whatever you are focused upon is the way you set your tuner and when you focus there for as little as 17 seconds, you activate that vibration within you. Once you activate a vibration running within you, Law of Attraction begins responding to that vibration and you’re off and running – whether it’s something wanted or unwanted.”   -Abraham Hicks, CA 2002

To start, it is helpful to understand how we are ‘vibrational beings’ and how it is that we are connected to the Universe (other than by gravity)…

What are people made of?
People are made of muscles, bones, and organs.
What are organs made of?
Organs are made of cells.
What are cells made of?
Cells are made of organelles.
What are organelles made of?
Organelles are made of proteins.
What are proteins made of?
Proteins are made of amino acids.
What are amino acids made of?
Amino acids are made of atoms.
What are atoms made of?
Atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
What are electrons made of?
Electrons are made from the electron field.
What is the electron field made of?

The electron field isn’t really ‘made of’ anything because it is a fundamental scientific principle. You may have learned in traditional physics that there are only four fundamental fields (also known as forces) and you might now be thinking that this isn’t actually one of them. You would be right and that’s because the electron field is a kind of ‘bonus physical field’ discovered in quantum physics – it is the quantum of fundamental fields. It wouldn’t be correct to say that the electron field is ‘made up of’ anything because it’s kind of the other way around – the electrons in the Universe are made from the electron field.

Because the electron field is everywhere and connects all electrons, all atoms (back up to the question of what atoms are made of) are consequently connected. Therefore, as everything on our planet is made up of atoms, including us, everything and everyone is in ‘connected’. Ultimately, this means we are not separate from the Universe; we ARE the Universe.

Protons and electrons are made up of quarks. There is no evidence that quarks are made up of other particles, so science calls them elementary particles. The idea that everything has to be made of something else is not true. Light is not made of anything else and neither is gravity.

There are six types of quarks and they are constantly vibrating. Because the quarks in atoms vibrate, atoms can be observed to be constantly vibrating. As human beings are made up of atoms, if you pare us right back, we are all, fundamentally, vibrating energy: ‘vibrational beings’. Looking at things the other way around for a moment, what happens when vibration in the Universe resonates, is that tangible objects like human beings, animals, trees, (the list is endless because it includes absolutely everything we can see) are formed!

The first law of thermodynamics tells us that energy is not created or destroyed, it simply transforms from one form to another for all time, hence the energy of the Universe is infinitely enduring. If you think of us as energy, you can think about human beings in a different way.

We perceive that we die because our physical bodies do, but as we are really just energy, the law of thermodynamics says that isn’t possible. What must actually happen is that the energy that is us, transforms into a different form when we are no longer able to be seen as a human being. In a literal sense, when our physical body dies and is buried or cremated, it changes form, either decomposing or becoming ashes. But there is something in us that is more fundamental than the skin and bones we can see and touch.

The electron field that our electrons are ‘made from’ is what connects us to everything else in the Universe for all time. Many can relate to the concept that we have a soul, and some see it as a part of us that is somehow connected to ‘Heaven’. But what if our soul is actually the electron field inside us and the electron field is ‘Heaven’?

I believe that a place of pure positive energy does exist – in essence, a heaven – and that it is simply a ‘place’ in a different dimension of our Universe than Earth. And if our souls are the energy that changes form for all time, then it makes sense that they could and would reincarnate on Earth many times over.

Science currently understands just approximately 4% of our DNA. Perhaps when we discover what the other 96% does, science will prove we really do have an incredible sixth sense and maybe a seventh, eighth and ninth one too! Maybe humans will learn how to communicate with each other telepathically, or remember their past lives, or converse freely with their passed loved ones. My mind is open to the possibilities. Is yours?

Quantum theories, whilst best understood these days, have been around for over 100 years. There is a misconception that Albert Einstein won his Nobel Prize in physics in 1921 for the theory of relativity and his famous E=mc2. It wasn’t this achievement that won him the prize, but his explanation of the photoelectric effect, a mechanism by which light, when shone onto a metal surface, causes tiny packages of energy or quanta to be released. The idea of quanta initiated a scientific revolution which in the early twentieth century, led to the development of quantum physics.

In 1935 Einstein published a thought experiment that we know today as the EPR paradox. It demonstrated that experiments carried out on parts of a quantum system in one location can have an instantaneous reaction on parts of a quantum system in a completely different location.

In the experiment, electrons were sent to two different scientists to observe momentum measurements. (In quantum physics, ‘measurements’ are not actual measurements, but interactions that convey information). My simple understanding of what happened was this: the scientists in the first location were performing the experiments, but the scientists in the second location were experiencing the results – without yet doing anything!

Einstein was a bit miffed about the results of this experiment and subsequently concluded that quantum physics was an incomplete theory. He had disproved his own theory of special relativity which says that information cannot be transmitted faster than the speed of light. Because of this, he claimed that there were hidden variables affecting the EPR experiment. In the 1960’s, John Stewart Bell ruled out the existence of any hidden variables and ‘quantum entanglement’ was established. This is also known as “nonlocality” or “quantum weirdness”. Before he died, Einstein himself even referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.”

As we understand quantum physics more, the concept that all objects have an invisible field around them is becoming gradually accepted.

“I have already accepted that all matter extends beyond a point in space. A particle to me is not a tiny ball of something. Rather it is an object that extends over a volume of space with two main structures, the particle proper and its field. Together they are a particle. At the subatomic level nothing is solid”.   -Americo Perez, Ph.D Physics

We humans are a great example of something with an invisible field: an electric field. This field extends throughout space and is one of the four fundamental fields I referred to earlier. Our nerve cells or neurons generate electrical signals to transmit information to our brains which effectively means that we are electrically charged. This means that we are part of the electromagnetic field, the physical field produced by electrically charged objects.

All the thoughts we have are comprised of (amongst other things), electrical impulses. These impulses create small perturbations in the electric field around us. Thoughts are energy just like everything else in the Universe. They are governed by the laws of quantum physics. If you apply the principle of quantum entanglement to your thoughts, you can start to understand how they can have an effect on other things.

In 1994, Dr Masaru Emoto, who was a Japanese author and researcher, came up with the idea of freezing water to then observe it under a microscope. He had hoped initially to see some form like snow crystals. When using tap water or water from lakes or rivers near cities, no particular crystalline structures formed. However, when he used water from natural uncontaminated sources, beautiful crystal structures in the ice were present.

He then proceeded to experiment using distilled water which is considered to be pure. He played different types of music to it, and showed it various pictures and words. What he saw when he froze the water was pretty incredible.

The crystalline structures in the water that had been exposed to classical or light-hearted music and positive words, were all beautiful and symmetrical – just like snowflake structures. The crystals in the ice where the water had been exposed to heavy metal or sad music were far less symmetrical and quite odd looking. The crystals from the water that received hateful words were disfigured and actually looked a bit sinister! They were nothing like beautiful snowflake structures.

Sample photos from Dr Emoto experiments

Dr Emoto believed that non-resonating vibration resulted in destructive energy. I work from the basis that the energy of everything in the Universe is pure positive love at its source, so ‘non-resonating’ is anything that contradicts that pure love energy. Dr Emoto observed that pure water has beautiful crystalline structures.

Whilst these structures change when exposed to positivity, (whether that’s shown in the form of loving words, uplifting music or scenic pictures), they stay beautiful. That is because the vibration of those things is resonating with the vibration of beauty (both having love at their source). When the water is exposed to a negative vibration, for example, hateful words, its’ beautiful structure starts to breakdown, becoming disfigured. This negative vibration is non-resonant with the vibration of love that is the water, and so the result is the creation of destructive energy.

Incidentally, Dr Emoto also carried out some of these experiments, not sending the love and hate from inside his own lab where the water was, but ‘non-locally’ from different scientists sending thoughts across the world. As you might guess given what you’ve read so far, the results in the crystals were the same!

Despite the strict controls applied to Dr Emoto’s water experiment, there was some cynicism around his findings – questions about the validity of the photography, as well as what constituted a ‘beautiful’ structure. So, Dr Emoto later followed up with his famous rice experiment. He placed uncooked rice into three separate beakers and covered the rice with distilled water. The beakers were kept about a foot apart, but in exactly the same laboratory conditions. Every day for thirty days, he said ‘thank you’ to the first beaker, he called the second one stupid, and he completely ignored the third.

After thirty days, the rice in the first beaker had fermented and was giving off a strong pleasant smell, the rice in the second beaker had turned black and shrivelled up, and the rice in the third one had started to rot and was mouldy. Dr Emoto lovingly used his results to express to the world how important it is to be kind to our children and to give them lots of attention.

This is an easy experiment to replicate at home and many people have successfully done so. Interestingly, something that is commonly reported by these experimenters is the length of time that passes before any definitive changes take place, but also that the effects seem to be more extreme when a greater amount of time is spent conveying the positive and negative words.

This interactive effect was further exemplified when the Weizmann Institute of Science conducted a highly controlled experiment in the late 1990’s. They were able to demonstrate that a beam of electrons is affected by the simple act of being observed. The experiment revealed that the greater the amount of just ‘watching’, the greater the observer’s influence on what actually takes place.

The collective consciousness that is Abraham Hicks says that as little as 17 seconds of focusing on something can activate the vibration in us that will affect an outcome. And it seems that the more you focus, the stronger your ability to influence becomes.

So, there we have vibration, connectedness and quantum entanglement in a nutshell. I hope this goes some way to simplifying the science behind the Law of Attraction and explaining most importantly, why it’s so necessary to keep thinking positively!